

God Bless you!!

(第一テモテ6章18節 写真はミルトスの花)


 昨日から読み始めたInvitation to a Journeyから、線を引きたいと思った箇所を抜き書きします。

When spirituality is viewed as a static possession, the way to spiritual wholeness is seen as the acquisition of information and techniques that enable us to gain possession of the desired state of spirituality. Discipleship is perceived as "my" spiritual life and tends to be defined by actions that ensure its possession. Thus the endless quest for techniques, methods, programs by which we hope to "achieve" spiritual fulfillment. ....

When spirituality is viewed as a journey, however, the way to spiritual wholeness is seen to lie in an increasingly faithful response to the One whose purpose shapes our path, whose grace redeems our detours, whose power liberates us from crippling bondages of the prior journey and whose transforming presence meets us at each turn in the road. In other words, holistic spirituality is a pilgrimage of deepening responsiveness to God's control of our life and being. (p.12)

Our spirituality is not an "add-on," it is the very essence of our being. We are spiritual beings whose emotions, psychology, body and mind are the incarnation of our spiritual life in the world. We will see the holistic spirituality always takes place in the midst of our emotional, psychological, physical and mental conditions and emerges out of them. ...(p.13)

We are unique persons, and our relationship with God always manifests that individuality. (p.13)

As John Wesley constantly emphasized, there can be no personal holiness without social holiness. .... Thus corporate and social spirituality is an essential part of our holistic spiritual formation. (p.13)

... a fourfold definition of spiritual formation as (1) a process (2) of being conformed (3) to the image of Christ (4) for the sake of others.

... Spiritual formation as a process will be seen to move against the grain of our instant-gratification culture and the possessiveness of an acquisitive society. ...
...Spiritual formation as "being conformed" will also be seen to move against the grain of our do-it-yourself culture and our powerful need to be in control of our existence. ...
...Spiritual formation "in the image of Christ" will also be seen to move against the grain of ourself-actualization culture and prevailing perspectives which tend to create God in our image. ...
...Spiritual formation "for the sake of others" will be seen to move against the grain of a privatized and individualized religion and the deep-seated belief that spiritual life is a matter between the individual and God. (pp.15-17)
