

God Bless you!!

(第一テモテ6章18節 写真はミルトスの花)


 先週の金曜日に、教会の役員のフィル兄から、私たちあてに一通の手紙が届いた。フィルさんは60代後半、30年以上うちの教会に来ている紳士である。2年半ワーシップリーダーを勤めてくれてありがとう、という内容の手紙だった。全く予期していないことだったので驚いた。それも私たちには分不相応なくらいナイスな手紙で、200人の教会員のうち、こんなふうに思ってくれている人もいたんだ、と意外でもあり、ありがたくもあった。あとでお礼を言うと、「ああいう手紙は、普通だったら、葬式の時にしか書かないもんだが」。というわけで、たちまち故人にされてしまったはちこと私でした(笑)。つまり、こんな手紙はもう2度ともらえないということだと思うので、ご本人の許可を得て、ここにシェアさせていただきます(一部名前は伏せてあります)。私たちからも、お世話になったみなさんに感謝の気持ちを込めて…。Happy Thanksgiving!

Dear Noboru & Sachi,

Pastor shared with the board last night your intention to give up your worship leadership position at the end of the month.

I want to first thank you for giving so generously of your time to our church. No doubt you have served in this role for the glory of the Lord but in doing so you have greatly blessed many of us in the church. Most of our people probably don't understand what a commitment of time this responsibility involves. I'm sure that it has been a big sacrifice for two people who are as busy as you folks are. May the Lord bless you for your service to Him as our worship leaders.

My wife and I have often remarked, as we travel home from Sunday morning services, what a good job you did with music selection. I understand how difficult, if not impossible, it is to please everyone with the type of music that we sing. I believe you have done an outstanding job of choosing a variety of songs that appeal to every group: young, old, traditional, contemporary, exciting, sacred, etc. May the Lord bless you for being sensitive to the needs of all the people.

Music usually sets the spiritual tone for a service. You have done a good job of choosing music that enables us to move in the direction God is leading or that supports the theme of the service or the pastor's message. This is no accident but comes from spending time in prayer before the Lord. Sachi, your inspiring and animated worship has often moved others to deeper worship. May the Lord bless you for being open to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Finally, you folks have been an important part of our church and certainly done much more than minister to us in music. I greatly admire both of you for having the courage to step out and take leadership roles in a culture different from your own. I'm not sure I could have done half as well as you have done.

Noboru and Sachi, we love and appreciate you and your family and hope that you will be an influential part of our fellowship for many more years to come.

May the Lord richly bless you.

Your Brother in Christ,

